2016년 12월 3일 토요일

[EAT_NON-TRADITIONAL] 8. Pizza Dakgalbi_Spicy Grilled Chicken with Pizza Topping_.피자 닭갈비



  Restaurant Name

 꼬꼬댁갈비_Cock a doodle doo


Korea Spicy Grilled Chicken(닭갈비_Dakgalbi) is very famous to foreigners. I am sure at least Asian tourists know well about it, DAKGALBI! "_dak" means "Chicken" and "갈비_galbi" means "rib." This food has nothing with "rib" but it's named like that.

Chuncheon is one of the cities in Korea and famous for Dakgalbi. I don't think you need to go to Chuncheon only for Dakgalbi... It's quite far away from Seoul. So today I would like to tell you where in Seoul you can have yummy dakgalbi, instead of going to Chunchoen! I found a fusion Dakgalbi restaurant :) The name of place is....Cock a doodle doo!

outside viwe of restaurant

English name and Korean name do not match, in terms of translation. But I think boths of them are quite creative names! I like them. The restaurant is located in the middle of Gangnam area and it is a new place even to me. As I said last time, there are tons of different restaurants in Gangnam. Sometimes... too much choices give us difficult time, right? Then refer to my blog for your best choice :)

Lucky to me, they were holding a event. I could have 2 people servings of Pizza Dakgalbi and a bottle of Banana alcohol drink! (Wonderful!) I actually came for Pizza Dakgalbi, so I chose this option without any hesitation.

Waiting seats

Christmas interior

Have I told you what's so special about this restaurant? They have not only original dakgabi, but also FUSION dakgalbi! You can try Cheese dakgalbi and Pizza dakgalbi. I think these types of fusion dakgabi is recentrly becoming famous in Korea. Before... we normally ate original one or eat it with a little bit of Cheese topping. That's it.     

Let's go check the menu first!

As my research, this restaurant's best dish is "Pizza dakgalbi." What is Pizza dakgalbi? Instead of using pizza dough, this restaurant use dakgalbi. They put some pizza sauce, toppings, and cheese on top of dakgalbi. 

 _Menu explanation_ 
Original Dakgalbi_10,000
Cheese Dakgalbi_12,000
Pizza Dakgalbi_13,000
1) You can choose the spicy level->Less spicy? Spicy? More spicy?

2) Additional toppings with addtional charge ->Rice cake(with or without cheese inside), Ramen noddle, Udon noddle, Tortilla!
3) At the end you can also have fried rice with leftover dakgalbi together with addtional charge-> Cheese fried rice, Kimchi fried rice, Original fried rice!

4) You can also order different types of alcohol drinks with additional charge!


 Few free side dishes

Wet tissue

I am not sure if you already know about this wet tissue. It's so funny. First it looks like thick coin, but it become a wet tissue, when you put it in water! I was not supposed to put the tissue in my plate... haha Anyway it was quite interesting! My boyfriend was even amazed, because it never even heard of it before :)


Garlic, sesame leaf , and soybean paste

Pickled radish

You can eat dakgalbi with Pickled radish, or sesame leaf together! These are common ways of eatting meat in Korea.

Free tortilla and some sauces!

You can also try to eat it with tortilla together. Tortialla and dakgalbi together was very nice combination!! It's not a common way to eat it in this way but I strongly recommend it to you!

Salad bar

Sauce's on top of salad bar

There is a salad bar in the corner, so you can refill vegetables and nachos as much as you want.

Let's eat!
Main menu! Pizza dakgalbi!

It looks like pizza very much, isn't it?

Quite big portion of cheese!

Taste? Super good! I like pizza very much but I can't eat very much, becuase at some point I feel like it's a bit too oily. However, this pizza dakgalbi is spicy as well, so I could really enjoy it until the end! I really liked it.

Induction cooking heater

Another good thing that I really liked about this restaurant is that each table has each induction cooking heater. So you can have your food warm until you finish your last bite! So cool! You can't see well through my photo, but the cheese was bubbling and boiling until the end!
Let's have few bites!

With sesame leaf

With tortilla

With nacho

In a lot of Korean restaurants, we can order fried rice and eat it with leftover. I ordered two people servings of fried rice! I was already very full with main dish though... :) 

Let's make fried rice!

Almost done cooking

Ready to eat!

As part of this event, I also got a bottle of brand new alcohol drink, BANANA drink. In Korea, you can easily find lots of fruit drinks :) Not too strong, but still have some alcohol in it. I personally didn't like this banana drink. But I think you should try this type of fruit drink in Korea! I mean... if you can drink some alcohol!  

Banana drink

Special yellow cup for banana drink. So cute!

Jutako's recommendation_Pizza dakgalbi & fried rice
15,000 KRW per one person

I didn't have high expectation of this place at the beginning, however the taste of Pizza dakgalbi was more than I expected! If you like to try Korean fustion food with chicken, then try this place! Price is not so expensive I think. Enjoy!

opening hour: 11:00~24:00 everyday
TEL: 02-553-1392
Address: 619 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnamgu, Seoul, South Korea

Restaurant location_Online map, right here!

OR follow the direction below!
(Please click the map below to see it clearly!)


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