2017년 2월 17일 금요일

[Interview K-lovers] 17. Eat with Chimchim at Kimpira


  Today's K-lover


Hello guys! Today I am here with a wonderful guest. She is one of my best foreign friends from Hong Kong city! We got to know each other by teaching and learning Korean language in Hong Kong. She is such a good fan of Korea :) She visited Seoul in a such a great timing, so here we are. Today Chimchim will tell you more about Korea. From my side, I will introduce you a fusion Korean restaurant, where Chimchim wanted to try with me! 

Here we go~ 

The sky looks very nice. @Sinchon_신촌


Such a cute & colorful building - Blue & white!

You can see all the menus from outside

Now you know where we are going to eat? :)
Korean Style Premium Snack Cafe

Come on in~ :)


Interior looks like café.
But they serve various fusion dishes!
Good to come for LIGHT meal :)

 Especially I liked the service provided to me!
I found the people, who work here, are very kind :)
Maybe I was lucky to visit there in such a good timing? lol

Open style kitchen

Self refill bar - sauce, pickle, bowls, cups etc.

Today's guest, Chimchim, is thinking what to eat!


(Please click the menu photos below to see it closer)

  • Fusion topokki_ fusion stir-fried Rice Cake_퓨전떡볶이
  • Twigim_fried food_튀김
  • Fusion gimbap_dried seaweed rolls_퓨전김밥
  • Fusion rice; bulgogi cheese rice, garlic beef rice
  • and MORE! 

  • Fusion noddle_퓨전누들
  • Pizza_피자

Set menus

New menus
  • Pizza with topokki inside
  • Ramen with oyster

Menu here is all fusion dishes. I felt like "oh! I know this! but.. I don't think it's exactly the same dish I know." Actually all of them are very creative dishes! Even to me, local person, it was quite fun to try. If you know the taste of original food, it will be better I think. 


_Jutako's choice_
Rice ssam with bulgogi 
Fondue topokki with cajun french fries 
& Cheese rice with bulgogi

Rice ssam with bulgogi

Fondue topokki with cajun french fries

Cheese rice with bulgogi

Let's have a bite!

Rice cake!

Rice ssam with dipping sauce!

Cheese rice!

To be honest, I really liked everything but rice ssam. If I visit next time, I would like to try one of the noodles in the menu, instead of rice ssam. I heard the type of noodle here is special type of noodle. Keep that in mind, when you order your dish! 

_Interview with Chimchim_

Jutako) How did you get to know about Korea? 
Chimchim) I got to know Korea through Korean drama, like many of other Hong Kong people. My first K-drama was Autumn in my heart(2000). After K-drama, I also got to know K-pop through my classmate in university. From then, I started getting familiar with Korean culture. 

Jutako) What do you like about Korea?
Chimchim) First FOOD! K-drama and K-pop as well.

Jutako) Do you like Korean food? What is your favorite Korean food?
Chimchim) I love Korean food. Most of the food just so good to me :) Gamjatang_pork back-bone stew_감자탕! I love the taste so much!

Jutako) Then, what would you recommend to readers? Besides gamjatang?
Chimchim) I would recommend any types of soup among Korean food. I think all the Korean soup is very good! Especially I recommend Gamjatang, Yokgaejang_hot spicy meat stew_육개장, and Seolleongtang_ox bone soup_설렁탕. I also want to recommend Pajeon_Green Onion Pancake_파전

Chimchim recommended me a nice Pajeon restaurant in Noryangjin area. I will take you guys to there soon or later! :)

_Check all the information that you need_

Opening hour: 11:00(AM)~10:00(PM) everyday
TEL: 02-392-1003
41 Myeongmul-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul

Restaurant location Online map, right here!
Instagram Kimpira Here!

OR follow the direction below!
(Please click the map below to see it clearly)


Jutako only write 100% pure article, without any support of restaurant/café

Be social with Jutako! Your "like" encourages me very much! Thank you:)



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